TSLPRB Telangana Police Constable Pre Answer Key 2016 Available to Download @ www.tslprb.in. Check Official Preliminary exam solutions, cut off marks & results.
TSLPRB Telangana Police Constable Pre Answer Key 2016
Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board TSLPRB Released notification on 1st January 2016 for the post of constable. there were 9281 vacancies available. thousands of candidates applied and appeared in the exam which was conducted on 24th April 2016 (Sunday). the exam took place all over the state in different centers. candidates must had to carry their respective TS Constable Admit cards to the examination hall including 1 Government issued ID Proof. The candidates who did not carry any of the above specified document would have allowed to enter the centre. Recently we released post regarding the hall ticket which was released on 3rd April 2016. So, Finally examination has been conducted successfully and All the Aspirants applied and appeared in the exam keenly waiting for ans Key to release. well, today the solutions have been released for all the sets A, B, C and D. Candidates have to check weather all the answers are correct or not.
The examination was of 200 marks. Students must had to score around 60% marks. kindly check the TS Constable answer key 2016 below and post your answers to the comment box below. Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constable (SCTPC) Civil, AR, SAR CPL, TSSP Posts have been released. the notification details are given in the notification corner.
www.tslprb.in Constable Prelims Answer Key For 24th April 2016 Exam
- Org. Department Name: Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB).
- Official Website of the Org: tslprb.in.
- Category: Answer Key/Solutions.
- No. of Vacancies of Police Recruitment: 9281 Contable Vacancies.
- Job Category: Government Job.
- Examination required: Yes.
- Type of Examination: Written 3 Hours Exam.
- Job location: Telangana.
- Start Date of Filling up the Forms: Started in January 2016 (Closed).
- Last Date to Apply for Recruitment: Ended on March 2016.
- Date of Exam: 24th April 2016.
Telangana Police Constable Exam Notification 2016

TSLPRB Telangana Police Constable Pre Answer Key 2016 Download @ www.tslprb.in
TSLPRBT has released the official notifion regarding to post filling of constable general duty. Applications are invited through ONLINE mode only in the prescribed proforma to be made available on WEBSITE (www.tslprb.in) at 8.00 am from 10-02-2016 to 03-03-2016 (Midnight) for recruitment to the following posts. The registered candidates may download their Hall Ticket one week before the date of Preliminary Written Test, which will be held on 17-04-2016 (Sunday) from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM.
There were around 10 thousand vacant positions available for TS Constable to fill in. the details of vacancies have been provided below. official Notification for appointing 9281 Constable Post in Telangana State.
- Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constable (Civil) = 1810
- Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constable (AR) = 2760
- Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constable (SAR CPL) = 56
- Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constable (TSSP) = 4065
- Special Protection Force- Constable (Men) = 174
- Firemen: 416 Posts
Telangana Police Syllabus & Pattern For Constable Exam 2016
Telengana Police Constable Syllabus Includes English, mathematics, GS, history, current affair updates, reasoning, computer knowledge (if required). these are the main subjects candidates need to study while preparing for the contable position under telangana state.
- 1. English
- 2. Arithmetic
- 3. General Science
- 4. History of India, Indian culture, Indian National Movement.
- 5. Indian Geography, Polity and Economy
- 6. Current events of national and international importance
- 7. Test of Reasoning / Mental Ability
- 8. Contents pertaining to the State of Telangana
The Examination pattern for telangana police has been provided below. for instance, the written test includes 3 subjects and total is of 200 marks. the exam conducted on the date specified above is of 3 hour stand paper. the subjects such as General studies of 100 marks, general aptitude of 70 marks and english of 30 marks. the merit list details would be given below. candidates must check how they will be able to get selected.
S.No | Exam | Subject | Questions | Marks | Duration |
1 | Written Test | General Studies | 100 | 100 | 3 Hours |
General Aptitude | 70 | 70 | |||
English | 30 | 30 | |||
Total | 200 | 200 |
Telangana Police Constable Exam 2016 Merit List & cut Off Marks
Telangana Police constable recruitment took place with sub inspector posts. the TSLPRB Telangana Police Constable Pre Answer Key 2016 are given here on this page. the download link is in the bottom of this page. click the download link and check the suggested solutions for your respective set. either A, B, C or D.
The Cut off marks and merit list will be released soon after the result for constable exam is declared. candidates will need to follow the official website or this page check results updates too. The expected cut off for general category will be around 60% that is 120 marks (Tentative). Not sure, it could be high or less. for SC/ST it will be around 40 to 45% that is also a expected ratio. if a candidate who have corrected around 140 questions, we think he will be in a Safe Zone.
Telangana TS Police Constable Examination Results 2016
The Official TS Police Constable Result for exam held on 24/04/2016 will be declared 1 or may be 2 months after the examination. we expect it to be declared in the mid of June 2016. from the given solutions aspirants can check their results.
After the result, call letters for selected candidates would be issued. Screening process will take place after it. The dates for call letters will be given on our website examsleague only. The Medical test will be conducted afterwards and there will be running for 800 meters in 170 seconds and so on.
TSLPRB Telangana Police Constable Pre Answer Key 2016 – Download Here (Not Available)
If Answer Key For TS Police Constable (Civil/AR/ SARCPL/TSSP/ SPF/Fireman) is not available then please check back after 2 hours.
Official Website: www.tslprb.in
Source: Jobsnews