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rrb 16/04/2016 non technical {nTpC} Question Paper HIndi 2016,1st,2nd,3rd Shift Analysis

rrb 16/04/2016 non technical {nTpC} Question Paper HIndi 2016,1st,2nd,3rd Shift Analysis:

The Zone-wise The Railway Recruitment Cells (RRC) Computer Based Online Tests 2016 for recruitment to the Posts of Non-Technical Popular Category (Graduate for recruitment to the Posts of (Assistant Station Masters, Commercial Apprentices, Entry-Cum-Reservation Clerks, Goods Guards, Junior Accounts Assistant-cum-Typists, Senior Clerk-cum-Typists, Traffic Apprentices, Traffic Assistants & Senior Time Keepers in the Railway Organizations in Ahmedabad, Ajmer, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Bilaspur, Chandigarh, Chennai, Gorakhpur, Guwahati, Jammu, Kolkata, Malda, Mumbai, Muzaffarpur, Patna, Ranchi, Secunderabad, Siliguri and Trivendrum,  we anticipate the Zonal Railway Recruitment Boards as stated here under.

1 Crore Candidates Applied for RRB NTPC Graduate Exam 2016

The Railway Recruitment Cells may like to release in July 2016 onwards the Shift-wise Sectional Provisional Answers Key in A, B, C & D Series in the Optical Mark Recognition Based Answer Sheet for General Knowledge (सामान्य ज्ञान), General Awareness (सामान्य जानकारी), Arithmetic (अंकगणित), General Intelligence (सामान्य बुद्धि), Reasoning Ability (तार्किक योग्यता), General Science (सामान्य विज्ञान) General English (सामान्य अंग्रेजी), General Hindi (सामान्य हिन्दी) Test Papers;

The Zonal Railway Recruitment Boards shall intimate the candidates to submit their respective Objections to the Optical Mark Recognition Based Response Sheet / Provisional Answers Key of the Computer Based Online Examinations 2016 [consisting of General Knowledge / General Awareness (सामान्य ज्ञान / सामान्य जानकारी), Arithmetic / Reasoning Ability (अंकगणित), General Intelligence / Reasoning Ability (सामान्य बुद्धि / तार्किक योग्यता), General Science (सामान्य विज्ञान), General Hindi (सामान्य हिन्दी) / General English (सामान्य अंग्रेजी)] Test Papers being conducted on this day the 16th of April 2016.

सुबह की पाली के जवाब आरआरबी एनटीपीसी के साथ पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों 16 अप्रैल 2016: (1 पाली)

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भारतीय स्वतंत्रता के दौरान बड़| सामंती राज्य? उत्तर: हैदराबाद


कौनसा राज्य डिजिटल राज्य बन गया है ? उत्तर: केरल


जो व्यक्ति पहले चॉकलेट बनाया, का नाम क्या है? उत्तर: Hernan Cortes


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जो राज्य में रेशम उद्योग स्थित? उत्तर: कर्नाटक


निर्वाचन आयोग के मुख्य कौन है? उत्तर: नसीम जैदी


यू एच टी (UHT) पूर्ण रूप है? उत्तर: अल्ट्रा उच्च तापमान (Ultra High Temperature)


साइना नेहवाल संबंधित जो खेल के लिए? उत्तर: बैडमिंटन


जो बैक्टीरिया दही में दूध धर्मान्तरित? उत्तर: लैक्टोबैसिलस बैक्टीरिया


नाइट्रोजन जीवाणु फिक्सिंग है? उत्तर: सूक्ष्मजीवों


एसपीएम (SPM) का पूरा? उत्तर:  जांच स्कैनिंग माइक्रोस्कोप (Scanning Probe Microscope)
रेल बजट किसके द्वारा प्रस्तुत किया गया है ? उत्तर: सुरेश प्रभु


सही स्वतंत्रता और स्वतंत्रता के लिए (Right to Freedom and Liberty) जो लेख से संबंधित? Article 21


दोपहर की पाली के जवाब आरआरबी एनटीपीसी के साथ पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों 16 अप्रैल 2016: (2 पाली)

आईसीसी नंबर 1 टेस्ट खिलाड़ी कौन है? उत्तर: स्टीव स्मिथ


आईसीसी अध्यक्ष कौन है? उत्तर: जहीर अब्बास


जो बंदूक का आविष्कार किया? उत्तर: रिचर्ड गैटलिंग
भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक के 23 वें गवर्नर 4. कौन है? उत्तर: डॉ रघुराम राजन


कौन फ्रंटियर गांधी (दोहराया) किया जाता है? अब्दुल गफ्फार खान


कौन फाउंटेन पेन का आविष्कार किया? उत्तर: Petrache Poenaru


विजयनगर वंश के प्रथम राजा कौन है?

उत्तर: हरिहर
Force की इकाई क्या है? उत्तर: न्यूटन
सबसे लंबे समय तक भारत में मुख्यमंत्री सेवित कौन है? उत्तर: पवन चामलिंग
एमआरपी (MRP) का पूरा नाम क्या है? उत्तर: अधिकतम खुदरा मूल्य
MMU का पूरा नाम क्या है? स्मृति प्रबंधन इकाई


पल्लव राजवंश के राजा जो कहानियाँ लिखा कौन है? उत्तर: मैं नरसिंहवर्मन


नोट्रे डैम कैथेड्रल जो जगह पर स्थित है? उत्तर: पेरिस


जो नदी तिब्बत से बहती है? उत्तर: सतलुज
परमाणु संख्या के बराबर है? प्रोटॉनों की संख्या


सबसे अमीर व्यक्ति फोर्ब्स वैश्विक सूची के अनुसार कौन है? उत्तर: कार्लोस स्लिम


प्रति वर्ष संगमा जो वर्ष में एक लोकसभा स्पीकर के रूप में सेवा? उत्तर:: 1998 करने के लिए 1996 के


The Railway Recruitment Boards concerned may commence publishin during July and August 2016 the Finally Solved OMR Based Answers Key of the Computer Based Recruitment Examination 2016 for the said NTPC (Graduate) Posts.

RRB 16-04-2016 Shift-1 + Shift-2 + Shift-3 Answer Key

The Railway Recruitment Boards shall stipulate the Community-wise Expected Cut-Off Marks for the Computer Based Online Examinations 2016 while declaring the Results of the Computer Based Online Recruitment Test 2016 during September / October 2016;

The Zonal Railway Recruitment Cells might commence in December 2016 onwards hosting the Skill Tests and Document Verification. The Railway Recruitment Boards shall draw up the Final Merit List on the bases of the Aggregate Marks scored by the candidates both in the Written Part of the Computer Based Online Tests and Skills Test / Personal Interview. The Candidates having Sufficient High Marks scored both in the Computer Based Online Examination and Skill Tests shall be merit listed and might be placed on the Final Merit List prepared by the Railway Recruitment Boards concerned.

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड जल्द ही रेलवे के क्षेत्रवार अहमदाबाद, अजमेर , इलाहाबाद, बैंगलोर , भोपाल , भुवनेश्वर, बिलासपुर, चंडीगढ़, चेन्नई , गोरखपुर , गुवाहाटी, जम्मू , कोलकाता, मालदा , मुंबई, मुजफ्फरपुर , पटना, रांची , सिकंदराबाद , सिलीगुड़ी और त्रिवेन्द्रम आदि प्रश्न-पत्र समाधान (सामान्य ज्ञान, अंकगणित, तार्किक योग्यता, सामान्य विज्ञान, सामान्य हिन्दी) प्रकाशित किया जाएगा |

The Zonal Railway Recruitment Cells, based on the Candidates’ individual performance and scoring either Equal to or Higher than the Community-wise Minimum Qualifying Marks stipulated, would shortlist the candidates for Skills Test and Verification of Documents / Personal Interview Documents’ Checking.

The Railway Recruitment Boards may like to announce in January 2017 Final Results accompanied by Zone wise Final Merit List thusly, before Finally recommending the Merit listed Candidates for Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination.

We would regularly continue to publish on our Website regular Gen followed by all the Zonal Railway Recruitment Boards communiqués; therefore, the candidates may like to bookmark our Website to check out the communiqués in regards to the Computer Based Online Tests 2016 ending on the 30th of April 2016.   

RRB NTPC 12th April 2016->>>> Click HEre

RRB 16 April GK, Mathematics, Reasoning Paper Analysis 2016

The Ministry of Indian Railways having their Zonal Railway Recruitment Boards, subsequent to the conclusion of the Computer Based Online Examinations 2016 for recruitment to various Non-Technical Popular Categories (Graduate) Post and following Selection, shall proceed with declaration of the Zone-wise Results of the Computer Based Examinations (March & April) 2016, Community-wise Minimum Qualifying Marks. Shortlisting of the Candidates based on both their individual performance and Category wise Minimum Qualifying Marks for each Community wise fixed, intimating the candidates for Skill Tests / Personal Interview / Viva-voce / Oral Test and Verification of the requisite Documents, preparation of the Common Merit List in each Category Final Merit List, Pre-Selection Medical Examination (Detailed Medical Examination & Review Medical Examination) and Final Results followed by Region-wise issuance of the Letters of Appointment among others for the Posts (viz., Commercial Apprentices, Traffic Apprentices, Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerks (ECRCs), Goods Guards (GGs), Junior Accounts Assistant-cum-Typists (JAATs), Senior Clerk-cum-Typists (SCTs), Assistant Station Masters (ASMs), Traffic Assistants (Traf. Asstts) and Senior Time Keepers (STKs).

Selection Procedure:

The Selection of the Candidates for the applied Posts shall be made strictly in order of Merit. There will be a common Preliminary Examination for all the notified categories. The Candidates declared having qualified for the Main (Second Stage) Examinations would have the option to appear in the Main (Second Stage) Examinations. Besides, the Railway Recruitment Boards shall conduct the Qualifying Skill Tests (Typewriting Tests) for the Posts of Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist / Sr. Clerk-cum-Typist. Aptitude Test is being held for the Post of Assistant Station Master and Traffic Assistant.

The Railway Recruitment Boards, according to Merit (in case of ASM & Traffic Assistant, shall summon the Shortlisted candidates for verification of their Original Documents. The Railway Recruitment Boards shall prepare the Merit only for the candidates who shall be announced having qualified the Aptitude Test, with 70% Weight age being given to the Marks obtained in the Main (Second Stage) Examination & 30% Weight age being given to the Marks scored in the Aptitude Test), availability of the vacancies and Reservation Rules.

For First Alerts, Quicker Gen on the RRBs / RRCs Releases in re Zone-wise RRBs Results of the Computer Based Recruitment Test 2016 for Non-Technical Popular Category (Graduate) Posts, Shift-wise Fully Provisional Solved Model Answers Key for  (1st, 2nd & 3rd Shifts – Forenoon Session, Afternoon Session & Evening Session), Set-wise Provisional Answers Key in A, B, C & D Series,  Final Shift-wise  OMR Based Answer Sheet / Sectional Answers Key of 1st / 2nd / 3rd Shift of the Zone wise Computer Based Tests 2016 for RRB NTPC – Graduate Posts, Post-specific Expected Cut-Off Marks, Category-wise Minimum Qualifying Marks, Release of the electronic Call Letters for Personal Interview / Call Letters for Skill Tests, Pre-Induction Medical Fitness Test (DME / RME), Pre-Selection Medical Examination (DME / RME) / Physical Fitness Tests Result, Final Result, Final Merit List, Final Select List for recruitment to the Posts of Assistant Station Masters, Commercial Apprentices, Entry-Cum-Reservation Clerks, Goods Guards, Junior Accounts Assistant-cum-Typists, Senior Clerk-cum-Typists, Traffic Apprentices, Traffic Assistants & Senior Time Keepers) against 18252 vacancies in country-wide Zonal Railway Organizations:

Log into the Zonal / Regional Railway Recruitment Board / Railway Recruitment Cell Website for Regular Updates.

Wishing here the Best of Luck for the candidates!

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Source: Jobsnews

Updated: April 17, 2016 — 1:25 am

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